Love Your Fitness Journey

I hope you all had a great start to your health goals this year! A quick note to highlight a fitness focus and remind you of our referral program benefits. If you’re new here, welcome – we are so grateful you’ve chosen HWC for your wellness journey!

While cooler and rainy weather may tempt staying inside, keep up your momentum. Regular exercise, 30-60 minutes per day provides benefits beyond appearance like reducing cancer/diabetes risk and boosting brain power and memory with age. Making time for fitness now invests in future health and happiness. Proper nutrition and daily exercise is a winning formula for physical and mental wellness.

Here are a few tips to stay motivated:

·         Try a new class, like our indoor cycling, muscle conditioning, yoga, or mat pilates to mix things up. Pick up a 50 Class Club card to sweat your way through 50 group fitness classes through April 30th to be entered for snazzy HWC prizes!

·         Find a workout buddy to keep each other accountable.

·         Check out our pool for low-impact water workouts.

·         Hit the hot sauna for up to 10 minutes incredible benefits

Wishing you all continued success in your wellness journey. Let us know if there's any way we can support you. Keep moving!


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